
Special Event(s):

Students may obtain assistance with transfer services such as: 

Events Calendar 

The TRAC Center arranges student appointments with various university admissions representatives.  View our Events Calendar to set an appointment to meet with a university representative . All appointments for Fall 2020 will be conducted in a virtual setting as our campus staff are working remotely. Please call the Transfer & Career Center for further details or questions about an event at (210) 486-1500.

Transfer Fairs

Biannual Transfer Fairs provide the opportunity for students to meet with representatives of local and regional universities. San Antonio College makes every effort to assist students wishing to transfer.  The TRAC Center can help you connect with the  university representatives to ensure the appropriate courses are taken, transfer and apply. 

Reverse Transfer 

The TRAC Center assists students with transferring to a 4 year institution.  Reverse Transfer is handled in a separate department; contact Ms. Myrella Gonzalez at  to begin the process. For general information on Reverse Transfer, please visit the following site: 

Graduation: Before you transfer, graduate!

Remember the difference: 

Graduation is a two step process; where you inform your advisor that you have successfully completed all requirements to graduate and you complete an application for graduation through ACES, to receive your diploma.  Commencement refers to the ceremony celebration where you walk the stage.  There are eligibility criteria to graduate and participate in the Commencement ceremony.  

What about Core Completion?  

Completing your Core Curriculum will not only save time and money; you can potentially secure transferability of your coursework and receive a Certificate of Core Completion!  Students can transfer their core curriculum as a whole to a 4-year public institutions in the state of Texas.  This is GUARANTEED by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board!   Complete your core for a seamless transfer to a public Texas 4-year institution, and move closer towards fulfilling your educational goals.